Municipal elections for our public officials are governed under M.R.S.A. 30-A. In Raymond our elected officials are: Select Board, RSU #14 Board of Directors, and Budget-Finance Committee members. All other positions on boards or committees are appointed by the Select Board.
Annual Elections – Generally coincide with State Elections in June - 2nd Tuesday of June.
Nominations – The positions on the elected bodies are staggered three-year terms and elected by secret ballot.
Nomination papers available – The Town Clerk will have nomination papers available not more than 100 days prior to the election day.
Nomination paper deadline – The Town Clerk must have the signed nomination papers in her/his hands no later than 60 days before the election day.
Number of signatures – In towns of over 500 residents a candidate will need not less than 25 nor more than 100 signatures. (It is recommended to get at least 35 signatures in case some of the signatures are not registered voters in Raymond.)
Submission of nomination papers – The candidate must sign the Consent portion on the nomination papers, which says that the candidate will not withdraw from the race and will qualify for the office if elected. The circulator must sign the oath of qualified voters.
Ability to serve – A person cannot hold two elected positions at the same time.
Circulators of nomination papers –
- A person requesting papers need not be a candidate or an agent of a candidate.
- A candidate can circulate several sets of papers for the same office.
- A candidate can usually circulate papers for more than one office.
- A person can circulate papers for several candidates for several different offices.
Any person who signs a nomination paper –
- A voter can sign as many nomination papers for different candidates and offices as they wish.
- A voter does not have to vote for the candidate for which they signed a nomination paper.