The Technology Committee is no longer active.


Past Information:


"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."

~ Arthur C. Clarke

Mission Statement

The promotion of democracy and community through understanding, knowledge and equity based on complete, accurate, accessible and timely information delivered by a variety of well-managed and cost-effective technology solutions.


About Us

The Technology Committee comprises an informal group of volunteers presently anchored by Select Board representative Lonnie Taylor and the town's contract Network Administrator. 

Based upon the decisions, priorities and needs of the deciders, we are involved in supporting just about any town technology-related efforts, among them this very website.  (See our report in the latest Town of Raymond Annual Report for a comprehensive list.) 

Much of the group's interaction--especially troubleshooting--occurs electronically due to our incompatible real-life schedules; but when we do get together, it is in the equipment end of the   Broadcast Studio   on the third Thursday evening of the month, beginning around 6:30pm. We talk about our various projects' progress, share any tech or town buzz, and wrap up after we've compared notes about our favorite Sci-Fi/Fantasy authors, shows, and video games. 



Everyone is welcome to attend our meetings; just check "This Week at a Glance" or the web calendar to make sure it's happening. Everyone is also welcome to contact us, ask us questions, or even to take a guided tour of the facilities. Send an e-mail note to committee chair Laurie Forbes and use the secret word: electrons.

Committee Members:

Laurie Forbes, Chair
Shaun Dudley
Tom Golebiewski
John Hanley
Elisa Trepanier
Kevin Woodbrey
Lonnie Taylor, Select Board Representative (2017)