Event Category: 
Event Details: 

The RSU 14 School Board has scheduled a meeting for Wednesday, March 31, 2021.


RSU 14 School Board Meetings

The RSU 14 School Board will hold School Board meetings using Zoom Video Conferencing (Zoom) as the platform for board meetings.


For the public:

RSU 14 will provide the opportunity to dial in via direct link – this information is provided at the top of the Agenda and also here:


For the Public: Join Zoom 

Direct Link: https://networkmaine.zoom.us/j/88303760562

Or, Join Zoom via Phone: 1-646-876-9923   

Meeting ID: 88303760562 #


This will allow you to listen in during the entire meeting on your phone and participate during the public comment section(s) on the Agenda.


The Agenda is located on our website www.rsu14.org on the Board page by clicking:

  1. Board
  2. Agendas/Minutes
  3. Scrolling down to view the Agenda and any additional information provided.