Town of Raymond Public Calendar
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Table of Contents
- Pictures for Town Report
- NOTICE: Town Office Winter Hours Starting August 31st
- NOTICE: Town Office Closed September 11-14 for Renovations
- 08-20-2015 - Cemetery Committee Meeting
- August 17, 2015: Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting Archive
- August 12, 2015: Planning Board Meeting Archive
- July 30, 2015 Selectmen's Meeting
- July 27, 2015: Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting Archive
- July 16, Cemetery Committee Meeting Archive
- July 16, 2015 Selectmen's Meeting
- June 29, 2015: Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting Archive
Pictures for Town Report
Tue, 08/25/2015 - 3:27pm — Sue LookI would like to showcase how beautiful the Town of Raymond is. Please email pictures to [email protected] for consideration.
(The Town of Raymond does not have funds to pay for pictures, so please only send those you are willing to share.)
Thank you!
Sue Look, Town Clerk
- 228 reads
NOTICE: Town Office Closed September 11-14 for Renovations
The Town Office will be closed Friday, September 11th through Monday, September 14th for renovations. We apologize for any inconvenience that this may cause and welcome you to use the Online Services for renewals. The Town Office will reopen for normal business hours at 8:30 am on Tuesday, September 15th.
Thank you for your understanding,
Town Staff
- 432 reads